Wicked Gay Parties - Group Sex Party Listings Memorial Day Means Time to Play!

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Adrian
  • Posted On : May 22, 2015
  • Comments : 1
  • Views : 8528
  • Category : Sex Parties » Adventures in Group Sex
  • Description : Party Highlights for Memorial Day Weekend!


  • This is a (slightly edited) repost of a blog entry originally posted on my Adventures in Group Sex blog. You can find the original post along with any comments that may have been posted here

    My goodness, it has been some time, hasn't it? I didn't even realize until now that it has been just over a month since I last posted at Adventures in Group Sex. I've been keeping busy with creating listings for all the parties on the new site, but honestly that isn't all I've been doing. I've also finally found some time to start getting out and enjoying some of the parties out there myself again and I have quite a bit to share, so I hope to be able to start posting some more "Adventures" and insights here on a semi-regular basis again soon. But first, I am planning on celebrating Memorial Day weekend with one or two group sessions as I'm sure you all are as well or you wouldn't be here reading this right now, so let's take a look at some of the highlights!


    If you are into a mixed/interracial crowd, there is a couple of options. Tonight both Jacks of Color and Milk Chocolate are hosting parties.


    Jacks of Color is doing their group grope at the Chelsea Duplex this evening, and then following it up with their perennial Monday party on the night of Memorial Day, so you can bookmark your memorial weekend with the Jacks of JOC if you so desire.


    Milk Chocolate is also doing two parties in NYC during the weekend, both of them the NY Cumunion Parties; one tonight,and the other one tomorrow afternoon into the (relatively) early evening. Not being content with letting NYC have all the fun, the host is also throwing three parties in DC tonight, tomorrow and Sunday to celebrate Black Pride.


    Fans of cum and bukkake who didn't get enough at MMX's Edge last weekend will be happy to hear that one of the hottest bukkake parties around - Swallow - is throwing a party in NYC this Saturday.


    Athletic jock boys your thing? The guys behind the GBU and NYJP parties are hosting their Boxers and Briefs party this Sunday for fit guys ages 18 to 45.


    And if you're looking for Bears, Sunday is offering its usual double feature of The Bear Party in Chelsea and Bearcave in Gramercy.

    Have a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend!