Wicked Gay Parties - Group Sex Party Listings SEX IN A COVID WORLD

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Carl
  • Posted On : Mar 28, 2020
  • Views : 3197
  • Likes : 1
  • Category : General
  • Description : A Look into Sex amidst Covid-19


  • Madonna once proclaimed melodically, "We are living in a Material World."

    We have been used to physical interaction, close body contact and human intimacy. But now, in a snap of a finger, things have changed. The Material World we used to know has been replaced with a world plagued with a fatal disease; a disease that spreads faster than wildfire through human contact. And I couldn't help but wonder: Can we still have Sex in a Covid World?

    The Coronavirus induced COVID-19 is a disease that can be transferred primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. Fortunately, COVID-19 has not yet been found in semen or vaginal fluid and we also know that other coronaviruses do not efficiently transmit through sex (so 3 cheers for that. Whoopee!).

    But if the coronavirus is spread through human contact, how can you have sex without getting infected?

    Luckily for us, we have been bestowed with several gifts to make having sex still possible in this pandemic. All you need is to either use your imagination, make use of technology, or take a bucket load of precaution. 

    You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread the coronavirus, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex. A little bit of imagination, a handful of lube, and some sensual strokes and you're ready to go.

    The next safest partner is someone you live with. Take things in a positive way. Now that most of us are in home quarantine, you and your home mate have all the time in the world to fuck your brains out non-stop. Explore every uncharted corner of your property that you haven't had sex before (every nook and cranny). Try every new/avant garde position too.  

    Having close contact — including sex — with only a small circle of people helps prevent spreading the coronavirus. You should avoid close contact — including sex — with anyone outside your household. If you do have sex with others, have as few partners as possible. If you usually meet your sex partners online or make a living by having sex, consider taking a break from in-person dates. Video dates, sexting or chat rooms may be options for you.

    Now, more than ever, you need to practice even safer sex. Kissing can easily pass the coronavirus. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your small circle of close contacts.  Rimming might also spread coronavirus, so skip doing this for now. Condoms and dental dams can reduce contact with saliva or feces, especially during oral or anal sex. Washing up before and after sex is more important than ever. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Wash sex toys with soap and warm water. Disinfect keyboards and touch screens that you shared with others (for video chat, for watching pornography or for anything else). 

    Skip sex if you or your partner is not feeling well. If you or a partner may have COVID-19, avoid sex and especially kissing. If you start to feel unwell, you may be about to develop symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath. If you or your partner has a medical condition that can lead to more severe COVID-19, you may also want to skip sex. Medical conditions include lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a weakened immune system (for example, having unsuppressed HIV and a low CD4 count).

    So sex is still possible even when our globe is undergoing a health crisis. Cheer up, it's not "yet" the end of the world (as we know it). By flexing your imagination, exploiting technology, and with meticulous care, there are still a bunch of ways to enjoy sex even in this difficult times. 

    In closing this blog, I'd like to quote a tweet (and a fun video) from AnimanStudios to enlight us more about the virus... "Here’s a little Animan movie about the Corona virus. Until a vaccine is created, it’s a good idea to avoid crowds and stay positive. We WILL get through this together!" Video credits : AnimanStudios https://t.co/Nd8XldJDXf

    - Carl