Date you attended:
August 8, 2015
Time you attended, and how long you stayed:
Approximate number of guests while you were there:
Describe the body types, age range, and racial mix:
Fit, inshape, slim, nice average. Mainly 20 year olds. Mix of guys
What was the vibe like?
Laid-back and sociable. Good conversation in social areas, good for flirting, drinks included. Great to get everything going.
Was there barebacking going on?
Was there PnP?
Not that I'm aware
Who would you recommend this party to?
Fit young guys who don't have attitude
Who would you not recommend this party to?
Tell us about your experience:
Met some nice guys, got topped by a good number(which is exactly what I wanted) EVERYONE WAS SUPER COOL WITH WEARING A CONDOM. One of the main reasons why I like GBU.