Date you attended:
October 23, 2015
Time you attended, and how long you stayed:
Approximate number of guests while you were there:
Describe the body types, age range, and racial mix:
Good mix of guys; generally in shape to average, and a variety of ages.
What was the vibe like?
Social, welcoming, non-judgmental.
Was there barebacking going on?
Was there PnP?
Who would you recommend this party to?
If you've never been to a group party before, this is a great place to start.
Who would you not recommend this party to?
If you've got attitude or lot's of "preferences" in regards to the race, body-type, age, etc.
Tell us about your experience:
Got there, and immediately felt pretty comfortable. Enjoyed socializing before hitting the sexy part. Again, good group of guys, everyone was having a great time and that added to the atmosphere.