Approximate number of guests while you were there:
Describe the body types, age range, and racial mix:
This party has a mix of guys. Some regulars. 90% average/bear types.
What was the vibe like?
The problem with this party is the space. It's not really a great set up for any kind of party frankly. The kitchen is between the two playing spaces and the host has his "office" set up in the kitchen. The host is a super nice guy but these parties ( and I've gone to a few) are not really a great bang for your buck. There is a sling in the Living Room with porn playing. Just not a very sexy vibe in my opinion.
Was there barebacking going on?
Was there PnP?
Who would you recommend this party to?
Older bear/avg bear types.
Who would you not recommend this party to?
Guys looking for sexy fit guys. Or guys looking for diversity.
Tell us about your experience:
It also seems that people show up earlier as when I got there it was thinning out.
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