DRESS CODE: Male underwear, jockstraps, briefs, boxxers, NAKED. Leather harness is OK. (No shirts/ tanks, pants). Arrive by 11:30pm/ hang out until 12MID. Reduced hours/ capacity for now. Advance ticket holders receive guaranteed entry the first two hours. Show your PayPal payment receipt on your phone to enter. Please read /abide by our Private Men's Event rules and dress code."&trp=true&sprop=website: Volleyball">Google Calender
Private Men's Underwear Party for Asian men and their admirers of all races age 21+. THE HOST SAYS : "@MilkNYC hosts this monthly interracial event for Asian/ Indian/ Pacific Islander men and friendly men of all races, age 21+, that luv Asian Men. Pay at the door or buy advance ticket. Make sure to tip our helpers. No refunds. Doors: 6PM until 12MID: $25. ADVANCE TICKETS: DRESS CODE: Male underwear, jockstraps, briefs, boxxers, NAKED. Leather harness is OK. (No shirts/ tanks, pants). Arrive by 11:30pm/ hang out until 12MID. Reduced hours/ capacity for now. Advance ticket holders receive guaranteed entry the first two hours. Show your PayPal payment receipt on your phone to enter. Please read /abide by our Private Men's Event rules and dress code."
The Host has NOT VERIFIED these details
Door Policy
Open Door
Door closes at
Cover or Donation
$25. ($20 b4 7pm for Young Meat age 21 - 35 and with 2021 Membership Card)
The Crowd
All ages over 21
Racial Mix
Mixed/ Interracial
Types of men
Average Joe, Bear, Blue Collar, Burly, Hipsters, Jocks, Twink, White Collar/ Business Men
Average Size of Crowd
Maximum of 50
The Place
Venue Type
Low with some Dark Corners
Getting In
Please check site below for more info and for registration links. Guests MUST preregister or buy advance tickets in order to attend. Walk ins will not be admitted.