Wicked Gay Parties - Group Sex Party Listings HORSE MARKET - DC

Party Information

  • Led By : Carl
  • Start Date : Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 12:00 PM US/Eastern
  • End Date : Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 4:30 PM US/Eastern
  • Guests : 1
  • Views : 3814
  • Category : General Crowd » Bareback & Safe Sex Party
  • Description : A play party for men. THE HOST SAYS : "The MAL event is coming up fast and here are the details and the link to the tickets. Since this is our first time in D.C., and, it's also an event weekend that brings in a lot of people from out of town, we have decided to forego having ticket hosts and are giving you the direct link. Let me start off by saying it was hard to find a space that could host Horse Market in D.C. and even harder to find a space that could hold enough men. This is where the D.C. Eagle stepped in and said they can host Horse Market in their upstairs space which can fit 300 men! This is much bigger than any other Horse Market to date! The only caveat is that it has to be a day party: Saturday January 18th 12pm to 430pm with a little extra time for cleanup. Four and a half hours does not sound like a lot of time but, Horse Market never runs over that. Three plus hours of fucking. That's a lot of cock in ass! You all will definitely be worn out by the end. I am in the process of figuring out how much and if I can use the event hotel shuttle to get people to the venue. The Mare entry will be from 12pm to 12:45pm, and Stallions from 1pm to 2pm. Please keep those times in mind if you plan to go out the night before and stay out late and plan accordingly. I'd hate to see someone waste a ticket if they do not wake up in time. Also, I would very much appreciate it if you'd love to volunteer at this event. There are three two-hour shifts that need people. I provide food for all volunteers and volunteering comes with some perks. Check out the link below for more in-depth details on what volunteering entails and what you get for helping out. We sort the list of volunteers by most-to-least number of requested shifts, then work our way down the list. Finally if you have a sling, fuck bench, a massage table, or anything else that you have we can borrow to fuck on/over for the event, email me and you will get a free ticket to the event. The amount of tickets I can sell depends on how much equipment we have."
  • Location : DC Eagle, Benning Road Northeast, Washington, DC, USA

Profile Information

  • Verified? The Host has NOT VERIFIED these details
  • Door Policy Open Door
  • Door closes at 430pm
  • Cover or Donation not mentioned
  • Frequency Unknown

The Crowd

  • Ages 18 and up
  • Racial Mix Mixed/ Interracial
  • Types of men Average Joe, Bear, Blue Collar, Burly, Hipsters, Jocks, Twink, White Collar/ Business Men
  • Average Size of Crowd Hundreds

The Place

  • Vibe Anonymous
  • Venue Type Bar
  • Lighting Low with some Dark Corners

Getting In