Wicked Gay Parties - Group Sex Party Listings WET AND WILD WAGON RIDE

Party Information

  • Led By : Carl
  • Start Date : Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 5:00 PM US/Eastern
  • End Date : Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 11:00 PM US/Eastern
  • Guests : 1
  • Views : 318
  • Category : General Crowd
  • Description : An event for men who wants a good squirt from other men that takes place in a Membership-only, clothing optional camping resort for gay men. THE HOST SAYS : "Riders: Bring your water blasters to drench fellow campers at their sites! We’ll have water on board to reload. Ground Troops: Be ready at your sites or anywhere along the wagon route to squirt back at the riders and defend the camp! Get your squirt guns, blasters, balloons and hoses ready! Wagon loads in front of the Guest Services office."
  • Location : The Woods Camping Resort, Forest Street, Lehighton, PA, USA

Profile Information

  • Verified? The Host has NOT VERIFIED these details
  • Door Policy Open Door
  • Door closes at Venue doesn't close
  • Cover or Donation Kindly visit their website for various rates on membership and lodging.
  • Frequency Unknown

The Crowd

  • Ages 18 and up
  • Racial Mix Mostly White, Very Few Men of Color
  • Types of men Average Joe, Bear, Blue Collar, Burly, Hipsters, Jocks, Twink, White Collar/ Business Men
  • Average Size of Crowd Unknown

The Place

  • Vibe Friendly/Social
  • Venue Type Campground
  • Lighting Varies

Getting In

  • Instructions You need to create an account in their database. Otherwise, you cannot make reservations or be a guest at The Woods Camping Resort.
  • Host Email info@thewoods.camp
  • Phone 610-377-9577
  • Website http://www.thewoodscampground.com/
  • Facebook TheWoodsCampground