Wicked Gay Parties - Group Sex Party Listings EUPHORIA

Party Information

  • Led By : Brad Logan (WGP Admin)
  • Start Date : Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 12:00 AM US/Eastern
  • End Date : Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 7:00 AM US/Eastern
  • Guests : 1
  • Views : 38
  • Category : General Crowd
  • Description : Dance Party during Palm Springs Pride featuring DJ Abel. THE HOST SAYS: "An Electronic Music Voyage"
  • Location : Reforma Palm Springs, South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, CA, USA

Profile Information

  • Verified? The Host has NOT VERIFIED these details
  • Door Policy Open Door
  • Door closes at 3am
  • Cover or Donation $35
  • Frequency Unknown

The Crowd

  • Ages All ages over 21
  • Racial Mix Majority White, Some Men of Color
  • Types of men Average Joe, Bear, Blue Collar, Burly, Hipsters, Jocks, Twink, White Collar/ Business Men
  • Average Size of Crowd Thousands

The Place

  • Vibe High Energy
  • Venue Type Dance Club
  • Supplies Drinks
  • Lighting Low with some Dark Corners