LIVE FATS DIE YONGU cause Undercurrent is HE'LL BENT for a REAL GREAT TIME, BRÖTHER. This is gonna be the COOLEST party we have EVER THROWN because everyone will be WEARING MOTORCYCLES and RIDING SUNGLASSES. Or, maybe not. We cannot predict or dictate what the fuck anyone will be wearing to any of these things. But if there were EVER a night to wear your LEATHER, RUBBER, LATEX, FUCK GEAR, SEX PANTS, or HORNY FABRIC to Undercurrent, THIS IS THE TIME. DRESS CODE ENFORCED: Everyone who attends this Undercurrent must be wearing WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT. Leather? Sure. Boots? Fuck it, why not? Star Wars cosplay? Absolutely! Something that somebody else fucking told you that you had to put on? GET THE FUCK OUT. NO CLOTHING THAT ANYONE ELSE TOLD YOU THAT YOU HAD TO WEAR WILL BE ALLOWED AT THIS STRICTLY ENFORCED DRESS CODE EVENT.
Just make sure you follow ALL OF THE RULEZ exactly to the letter and don't NOT FOLLOW THE RULES, because FOLLOWING THE RULES is the COOLEST THING YOU CAN DO. You ever seen a fuckin dude on a motorcycle and thought, "Wow, that sure looks like a fuckin guy who doesn't do what he's told, and doesn't follow any rules"? No of course you fucking haven't, because you're a real cool people, and you know that COOL MOTORCYCLE GUYS always FOLLOW TRAFFIC LAWS.
Fetish gear is FUCKING EXPENSIVE so I guess maybe wear it if you have it but NO WORRIES IF NOT MY COOL BROSKI, you can just VIBE.