Hey guys, I’ve been getting quite a few messages lately from members eager to start getting their group on again and wondering when parties and the party listings might be coming back. Like so many people and businesses around the country we’d love to get things up and running again but want to do so safely and responsibly by balancing demand and what would be in the best interest of not only our members but our community in general.
Fact is, men will still be men. We need to connect. We need physical contact. We need to fuck! Guys are going to get together and groups are going to happen. The question for most of us is not going to be “if” but “how.” Because let’s face it guys, it’s starting to look more and more likely that, even with a vaccine, Miss Bitch Rona is going to be around fucking things up for quite some time. So at this point I think it’s worth considering how we are going to keep ourselves sane and still find ways to connect sexually with other guys during what could be a longer term situation than I think most of us initially realized.
As with the virus crisis before this one and with transmission of diseases in general, playing safer in group situations is all about accessing and minimizing risk to yourselves and others as much as you are able. And there are ways to lower your risk and still have a way to at least somewhat quench your thirst for group action. Here is what we know so far..
Of course the safest way to go are still the virtual parties. Yes, they are not a replacement for the real thing, but they can also be a hell of a lot more fun than wacking off by yourself, especially if you’re a big cum whore like me who thinks watching dude after dude shooting their load is a pretty damn good way to spend an evening. Besides
our own Virtual Group Jackoff Parties that we’re hosting a couple of times a month, more and more hosts are starting to host virtual parties of their own, the biggest of which is probably the
international sex party Cumunion which has started hosting
a party every Saturday night. (I haven’t had a chance to attend it myself but hope to catch it soon – sounds like fun to me!

) Other hosts and groups have started hosting virtual parties as well so we will be listing those as we come across them. If you are hosting a virtual party please feel free to
post a party listing for it letting others know! (Just make sure you post it at least 24 hours in advance so we have a chance to review your listing and approve it.)

Other than virtual parties, one of the safer options you might want to consider are events at gay campgrounds. Most of the gay campgrounds that we have come across are now hosting all of their weekend events outdoors and it’s become pretty evident over the past few months that the risk of COVID-19 spread outdoors in the open air is considerably lower than the risk indoors where recirculated air conditioners can actually help the aerosol virus recirculate for hours. Of course how much of a risk there is at a campground event varies greatly depending on what COVID-related rules each campground has in place, how closely campers are following them, and how much you are following them yourselves. Remember, if you do start getting “drawn” to a group of campers, everyone keeping masks on and keeping the group small (ideally 5 or less, 10 max) is going to help minimize risk.
And that is the rule in general regarding groups wherever you are. As with any contagious diseases, size matters. The bigger the group, the higher the risk. The smaller the number the lower the risk. It’s quite simply an odds/numbers game.
Now speaking of wherever you are, that is definitely something to keep in consideration as well. If you are in a state where the virus is well under control, you are generally going to be at lower risk in group situations if there is very little community spread going on. If you are in a state or community where the virus is still raging out of control, best to check your libido until it gets reigned in.
Considering that there are areas of North America where the virus is under control for now and that there are more "safe-ish" options popping up in these areas, we are starting to bring the listings back slowly but surely as we take all of these aspects into consideration with the hope of helping our members make safer more informed choices in their pursuit to quench their thirst for group fun.
To start, we are listing events in states/provinces with a test positivity rate of below 5%. Each week we will take a look at the numbers, and events taking place in any states/provinces that have fallen below the 5% positivity rate will be added, and events in any states that have risen above the mark will be removed. We of course hope over time that all of the states will get this shit under control and that we will be able to get back to listing parties in all the states and provinces.
You're also going to probably notice that, in addition to virtual parties, we will be looking for and listings more events at campgrounds as we come cross them in those states since those seem to be the safest options right now.
RISK RATINGS (Updated 2/10/22)

We are also working on adding a
COVID-19 Risk Rating to each listing with notes on what (if any) COVID related rules or precautions are in place for each party. We determine the risk rating as follows:
No RiskCurrently the only events we have listed with this rating are virtual parties.
Low RiskThese include parties where only those fully vaccinated *and boosted* (if their last shot was over 6 months prior) are allowed to attend and the hosts require documentation and ID to confirm immunization prior to or upon entry.
Medium RiskThere are three kinds of parties that we are considering Medium Risk. The main factors that we consider when determining which parties to include here are mask/vaccine requirements and whether they are inside or in open air.
Here are the three types of parties we consider Medium Risk:
Indoor parties that do not require masks, do require proof of vaccination, but do not require a booster for those whose last shot was over 6 months prior.
Indoor parties where masks ARE required but proof of vaccination is not.
Outdoor parties of any number of people where masks ARE NOT required and capacity is limited so that there is plenty of space for guys to socially distance.
High RiskThese are parties with no safety requirements. Masks and hand sanitizer may be offered and suggested in some cases, but are not required. The larger the number of people attending and the closer everyone is together, the higher the risk.

I know (judging from the messages I keep getting) that many of you are itching to have some group fun - or even any man-on-man fun at all - I know I sure as hell am! - so I hope these listings, risk ratings and info can help you in making decisions that are best for you and those close to you (physically) in your day-to-day life while quenching your thirst for getting your group on.
Let's take good care of ourselves and each other as we navigate these new waters!
Wishing you all the best,